Last week I saw two shocking sights in
The first was my own man boobs while I was
I don’t mean the dainty,
what-a-beautiful-field-of-daisies kind of skipping. I mean the
working-muscles-you-never-knew-you-had-in-front-of-a-mirror kind. It was an
ambivalent experience. I haven’t really skipped much before. I also haven’t
really noticed my moobs much before.
They’re not terrible. I mean I don’t need a
bro (boy bra) or anything. Not yet. But I don’t want to get to
the point that I do. If you haven’t noticed, moobs have had a lot of bad press.
They’re not exactly desirable. So I started a strict regime. I dropped a lot of
foods I like and started doing a lot of exercises I don’t. (I didn’t skip again.
Because I actually bought the skipping rope for my daughters. And because I thought
I’d wait until I can see the positive results of my new regime.)
But then a few days later I saw a second
something horrible in exercising: a lady gobbing while she was running.
Ladies gobbing – or lobbing, as I’ve begun
to call it – is somewhat of a surprise when you see it. You just don’t expect
it. And although I consider myself to be quite a liberal man, my first reaction
was distaste. It’s not particularly lovely when men gob, but it’s even less
so when women do.
But then I had a rethink, and realised what
an opportunity this presented. If the world can get hung up about lobs the way
it has about moobs, the pressure will be off us men. Both will be equally
unacceptable. Or, better yet, equally acceptable.
So send me your lobbing pics. We’ll put
them all over the internet. We’ll go big. It’ll go viral. And I’ll go skipping again.