A month of mixed reviews, March was. I got 3 more form letters to say thanks but no thanks. I also got 2 more "partnership publishing" offers. i.e. I "contribute" to the costs.
You may have read a previous post about my first offer. The cost was £5700. The 2nd offer was a little higher - £8600. Gulp. Okay, they want to do it in hardcover. But a hundred thousand ronts is a hundred thousand ronts. The amount did include illustrations, which I don't need, but I can't imagine taking that cost away is going to bring the cost down to affordable levels. Offer 3 has not actually come back with an amount, but the precedents are not good.Maybe I'm just being cynical, but I have to wonder why the 3 offers I've received have all been contribution based. They have been very complimentary and flattering, but the truth is their offers come with conditions and restraints. Do they say yes to everyone? Is it really a risk-sharing strategy or is it pretty good business? There are a lot of would-be writers out there with egos and money to spend. I have only the former. So I will have to wait until I get a full offer or win the lottery. I wonder which is more likely?